Corporate life

Happy Children's Day!

The Vipservice Holding congratulates its employees and their children on a wonderful holiday, which is celebrated in our country on June 1st. It is a day of special attention and care not just for children, but for our common future. Whether we will be able to protect from evil, whether we will be able to provide the necessary, educate with dignity and nurture talents, and simply provide happy childhood - depends on what tomorrow will be like in every family and in the country as a whole.

Vipservice treats these issues with particular care and responsibility, so the company not only organizes entertainment events for the employees’ children, but, first of all, helps a number of foundations — at least 15 events a year, promoting charity and social volunteering as part of the corporate culture . 

Vipservice Holding helps:

• Preobrazhenie, group of sisters of mercy

• Artel of the Blessed

• Uyutka, charitable handicraft

• All together, programs with the Charity meeting
