Corporate life

Reinforcing skills in a 360 format

Our company has deep-rooted and strong traditions: this is what unites us while our business must always change and deal with uncertainty. The uncertainties take the form of ever-changing technology, evolving customer requirements, legislative novelties and the global environmental situation as a whole. Tradition, on the contrary, supports and helps maintain emotional balance, uniting the team.

Our holding company has several beloved and treasured traditions. Some of them are many years old, such as the Managerial Dinner and Do-It-Yourself, while others are just gaining traction and garnering love from the audience, like the Time Capsule. And then there is the ultra-novel 360 Degree Competence, which has only just started its way to being a tradition. It is a special format of meetings between staff from key VIPService businesses that fosters the exchange of product knowledge. This kind of cross-communication has already proven to be extremely effective in improving employee skills. Another event to introduce this tradition was held at the beginning of November.
