
We Help Earn

While many look for new solutions, the Vipservice Holding reminds about the HotelStar product and its continuously updated hotel content. Terms of cooperation have become even more profitable!

We can say with confidence that the sale of hotel content is currently more profitable than the sale of air travel. Portbilet allows its sub-agents to expand the range of services offered to current customers and provides an opportunity to reach new groups. Moreover, it contributes to the monetization of current hotel contracts!

Working in this direction provides a number of advantages:

  • accommodation booking together with the ticket purchase;
  • setting any extra charges: for a room, a hotel, and a certain service;
  • booking and work online with offline hotel bookings;
  • opportunity to add your own hotel contracts and earn money on them.

And, most importantly, commercially attractive conditions from Vipservice for existing partners.
